Pelvis Ultrasound results
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Jovesa - Jan 28th, 2015 12:55 pm.
My wife is 34 years old and had her pelvis ultrasound conducted today. Here are the results:

Uterus is anteverted, slightly bulky with an upper anterior subserosal fibroid measuring 25mm x 17mm.
Also, a smaller hypoechoic mass in upper posterior myometrium measuring 7mm - fibroid.
Thickened endometrium measuring 8mm in AP diameter.
A cervical cyst noted measuring 9mm in diameter - nabothian cyst.
Septated cystic mass in POD and more to left measuring 53mm x 30mm x 28mm (~24cc) - left ovarian.
Normal right ovary noted.
No free fluid in pelvis.

Kindly request your medical advice on methods of treatment etc??

Thank you.
re: Pelvis Ultrasound results by Dr. J S Chowhan - Feb 5th, 2015 3:14 pm
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dear Jovesa
Your wife is having left Ovarian cyst and multiple fibroids. She can be operated and Laparoscopic removal of the Ovarian Cyst and uterine fibroids can be done at the same time. You may send the blood reports and scan reports of your wife for further advice.

With Regards
Dr J S Chowhan
re: Pelvis Ultrasound results by A. JAGATH SINGH - May 2nd, 2015 6:18 pm
My wife pregnant of 9months during the scan reported that amnitic fluid is adequate, fetal biometry BPD : 8.9cm for 36wks, HC:32.4cm for 36.5wks, AC:30.5cm for 34.3wks, FL :6.38cm for 33wks; in Cephalic presentation : Fetal severe left hydronephrosis with ballooning of renal pelvis? PUJ obstruction, Mild Right Hydronephrosis; left kidney meas:5.5x2.1cm. AP diameter of enal pelvis 14.5cm; right kidneymeas:4.2x1.9cm. AP diameter of pelvis 7.5cm. Bladder distended meas. 4.5x2.3cm. Dilated Utethra noted. AP diameter 13cm. pls sugest how could i do

Dear A. Jagath Singh,

Your baby has puj obstruction so after birth immediate pyeloplasty is required. Please consult a Pediatric surgeon for the same.

With regards
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