Abnormal pv bleed and a 40mm fibroid
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Sarah - Apr 11th, 2015 1:14 pm.
Abnormal heavy pv bleed clots and fresh blood, cramps abdominal pain and pain in right flank and supra public region
Slightly bulky a reverted uterus with thin endo thickness of 2mm. There is a 40mm posterior wall subzero sap fibroids.
Now on zolodex tibolone 2.5mg and norethisterone 10mg tds
re: Abnormal pv bleed and a 40mm fibroid by Dr. J S Chowhan - Apr 17th, 2015 3:04 pm
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dear Sarah
The cause of heavy bleeding is fibroid uterus,but from your mail it is not clear whether it is intramural or submucous in location. The treatment will differ accordingly. So please send scanned report of the Ultrasound or MRI scan for further advice.

With Regards
Dr j S Chowhan
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