Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Kamlesh - Nov 17th, 2015 3:10 pm.
I am 27 yr old and got married in 2012, from last one year we are trying for a baby. My medical reports of blood test, harmone test , transvaginal ultrasound and HSG all are normal and with in normal limits. My husband blood test and semen test are also normal. Doctors advice me to take medicine for good egg formation (Goodova, Ovalife and Progesterone sustained release 300 mg). Shall I go for a laproscopy or not. I can't wait long for baby. plz advice me what shall I do.
re: Infertility by Nidhi - Nov 19th, 2015 7:05 pm
Dear Mrs Kamlesh

You should get a laparoscopy done because many cases of infertility can be benefited once we see all the reproductive organs by laparoscopy. Sometimes mild endometriosis or mild PID or little inflammation of tube can be easily visualized by laparoscopy.

With regard

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