Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Priyanka - Jun 8th, 2016 3:25 pm.
Hi, I have a condition of primary infertlity with no reason. Doctors have suggested to go ahead with IVF process & they have highly recommended to consult Dr. RK Mishra. Please let me know the approx charges & if Dr RK mishra is a visiting doctor to any of the hoospitals in Bangalore..
re: Infertillity by Dr.S.Hussain - Jun 15th, 2016 10:10 pm
Dear Priyanka,
Some important causes of primary infertility which includes polycystic ovarian syndrome, tubal blockage and pelvic inflammatory diseases. So if any tubal blockage is present in your condition than i highly recommended for diagnostic laparoscopy with tubal patency test.
Dr.R.K.Mishra is not visiting consultant in any hospital, He is available only at World laparoscopy Hospital,Gurgaon, NCR New Delhi.
With Regard-
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