Varicocele Prablem
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Shrawan Kumar - May 25th, 2016 6:44 pm.
Shrawan Kumar
Shrawan Kumar
I m having grade 1 varicocele problem (left side)... wen I took test semen analysis in November sperm count was normal... after that doctor told me surgery is not required take tablets few weeks n wear tight underwear it will be clear.... from January again it's started pain left side below d testicle, not only pain started penis erectile dysfunction (no strong erection n I can't sustain d erection) and scrotum area getting shrink day by day.... suddenly my weight put on few kgs ... urine color also changed (yellow color) wen I do exercise dat time it will be dark yellow urine color) I took thyroid n jaundice test , thyroid n jaundice test was normal ... my big problem is
1. Pain below the left testicle
2. Scrotum n penis getting shrink
3. No hard erection
4. I can't sustain d erection
5. Erectile dysfunction
6. Urine yellow color (but wen I drink more water color will be change to normal)
Some doctors r saying nothing to worry surgery is not required
Other doctors r saying surgery is not required u go for varicocele interventional radiology embolization
Others doctors r saying embolization u will not get result better u go for varicocele laparoscopy surgery.....
I m unmarried person, 26 year old..
My question is which one is good means laparoscopy or embolization?
Wat about complications laparoscopy post surgery?
Shall I back to normal life after surgery?
Wat about the cost?
Please tell me clearly because this year ending only marriage fixed...
I m confused plz clear
re: Varicocele Prablem by Dr. Nidhi Mishra - Jun 7th, 2016 9:50 pm
Dr. Nidhi Mishra
Dr. Nidhi Mishra
Dear Mr Shrawan Kumar

If you have all these symptoms then you should get laparoscopic varicocelectomy done. A varicocele is a collection of dilated veins in the pampiniform plexus that drains the testicles and is located in the upper scrotum just above the affected testis. Varicocele is the most common correctable cause of male infertility

In recent years laparoscopic varicocele ligation has been popularized all over world and has gained growing acceptance among laparoscopic surgeon. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy have shown to be effective in many studies for the symptom as you are describing.

You can get this surgery done at World Laparoscopy Hospital.

With regard

Nidhi Mishra
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