Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Shvlok Sharma - Aug 8th, 2016 8:19 pm. | |
Shvlok Sharma
Hi, I had a testicular torsion about 2 months ago. I was under surgery after about 26-27 hours and my testicle had twisted 360 degrees. Doctors said there was a little blood flow and they kept the testicle. After 2 months my operates testicle became 7cm and the healthy one 11( the healthy one was 9cm 2 months ago) I had analysis of AFP and HCG and they were positive. My question is that: Is there any danger for me that can be caused in future because of the operated testicle. Is orchiectomy necessary here? |
re: Testicular Torsion
by Dr Rahul -
Aug 13th, 2016
11:30 am
Dr Rahul
Dear Shvlok Your AFP and HCG are positive. AFP is tested as a serum test used as a tumor marker for teratocarcinoma or embryonal carcinoma of the testis. Normal range: Adults: < 15 ng/ml. HCG serum test is used as a tumor marker for testicular carcinoma. Beta-HCG levels are never found in normal men. When the presence of β-HCG is detected in serum it always indicates a malignancy. Beta-HCG is also used as a marker postoperatively to monitor residual tumor and the effectiveness of therapy. In patients with testicular cancer who have had an orchiectomy, the presence of beta-HCG will confirm the patient has residual cancer that requires further treatment. However, when beta-HCG does not exist in the serum, the presence of active cancer cannot be excluded, especially in patients who have been previously treated. Normal range: 0 ng/ml.So for this you need to visit your doctor again and you should consult with him about orchiectomy. With Regards Dr Rahul |