Cervical circlage
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Shivani Chowdhuri - Dec 2nd, 2016 2:46 pm.
Shivani Chowdhuri
Shivani Chowdhuri
Robotic laparoscopy cerclage on 8 weeks pregancy under general anesthesia
Patient with incompetent cervix, had cervical cerclage 12 years ago, followed by C-Section. Cerclage was left in place in the cervix, and now she is 8 weeks pregnant. Is it advisable to remove the cerclage with a Robotic laparocopy surgery under general anesthesia. Surgeon not sure he can do it via the cervix with spinal block and says patient may lose baby if cerclage not removed. Our worries are Gen. anesthesia in 8 weeks 1st trimester pregnancy, Robotic Laparoscopy (Co2) surgery, other concerns stated in your article. Thanks for your quick response.
re: Cervical circlage by Dr Rahu - Dec 3rd, 2016 4:11 pm
Dr Rahu
Dr Rahu
Dear Shivani

The cervical cerclage should be done once the family is complete. As the cerclage is pllaced it cannot be removed you will need to go for the caesarean section for the delivery of the baby.
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