Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Asma Sarwar - Oct 16th, 2018 2:52 pm.
Asma Sarwar
Asma Sarwar
My hsg report says loculated peritoneal spill seen from left fallopian tube with no free peritoneal spill.
Blocked right fallopian tube at its fimbrial end with no peritoneal spill.
Intravasation of contrast noted.
Bulky distorted uterine cavity with filling defects, representing fibroid uterus.
re: Infertility by Dr. J. S Chowhan - Dec 3rd, 2018 1:35 am
Dr. J. S Chowhan
Dr. J. S Chowhan
Your report suggests that you have partially blocked left tube and completely blocked Right tube and fibroid uterus. You please get MRI pelvis done to see the size, location and number of uterine fibroids. Both the blocked tubes and the Fibroid can cause infertility. You need to be operated for both but the MRI test will help us in knowing whether the fibroid is submucous in location . This type of fibroid can cause infertility and needs to be operated first. You may fix up an appointment at World Laparoscopy Hospital for further management.
re: Infertility by BenitaPaschel - Nov 1st, 2019 2:57 am
MRI Pelvis detail information -and-prostate, may help you first.

Dear Sir/Madam
please send your report on

Thanking You
Dr J S Chowhan
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