just coming off of my period
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Lili - Jan 26th, 2011 2:41 pm.
march 2009, i went to the doctor with excruciating pains in my lower stomach and no menses. she immediatly thought it was my apendix and sent me to the e.r. a few blocks down the road. when i got there they did i cat scan and saw that my gallbldder was inflamed and had "a few" gall stones in it. the next day they did surgery to remove my gallbladder (i had 36 gall stones) , well while they were in there the doctor said "there was spider-web like stuff all around some of my major organs. the pains continued for several months before i finally went to a obgyn about the pain. when i got there they asked me a few questions and i told them what the other doctor had said and it was immediatly apparent that endometriosis is what i had, but they had to conferm. so 2 weeks later (in may) i went to the hospital and was admitted for my first laproscopy and D&C. the doctor diagnosed me with stage 4 endo. and pre-cancerious cells on my cervics. the endo. is all on the outside of my uteris my large intestine my apendix and partly on my kidneys, on its way up to my lungs. the pain subsided for a while but then in september the pain came back. october 15th 2009 i had my second laprosocy and D&C. again the pain subsided for a little while but about 3 weeks ago i had my period, it was the worst period of my life! i was in complete and utter pain. the worst pain ive ever been in, in my entire life. i laid in bed for 8 days with a heating pad on my back and on my stomach. i would cry every time i would have to get up to take a shower or use the rest room. thankfully my fiancee was there to take care of me. for the past year, though all the surgeries ( i also had a mass removed off my my thmus gland) i was trying to get pregnate. but it could not happen. i do not ovulate there for not producing eggs, thanks to endo! so since the pain has come back my doctor has told me that since i cant get pregnate that i will HAVE to have a hystorectomy. which scares the living crap out of me. i do not want to have a hystorectomy at 19. so basically, im in physical pain, emotional pain, and scared out of my freaking mind!!! ive had the lepro depo/depo lepron what ever shot to try and slow down the endo. growing process but obviously that has not helped. ive also been on 3 different kind of birthcontrol including yaz. so, yeah im at my wits end..
re: just coming off of my period by Sadhana Mishra - Jan 26th, 2011 2:44 pm
Sadhana Mishra
Sadhana Mishra
Dear Madam
Your story is very sad and unfortunate. We know that sometime Iatrogenic injuries and neglegence of Doctor create life long complication to the patient. We pray to God for your good health.
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