small penise
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by adnan jawad - Mar 10th, 2011 2:50 pm.
adnan jawad
adnan jawad
what is best way or drug to make penise bigger thanks
re: small penise by Dr Sadhana - Mar 13th, 2011 1:25 am
Dr Sadhana
Dr Sadhana
At present this is not possible. Very little legitimate scientific studies have been done on penile enlargement, so any claims of significant and permanent enlargement can be biased or anecdotal and may be fraud. Conversely, it comes with an element of risk to most from the procedures, with negative outcomes ranging from the tearing of skin and scarring, to permanent loss of sexual function. Because of the speculative nature of any expect "improvement" and the many known cases of permanent injury involved with this endeavor, many doctors are skeptical of the subject.
So we advice you don't try to enlarge your penis.
re: small penise by Lorin - Mar 24th, 2013 8:07 am
Geez, that's unbleivaeble. Kudos and such.
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