Gynae pain
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Mairi Newberry - Mar 9th, 2011 3:10 pm.
Mairi Newberry
Mairi Newberry
Hi there, i posted a while back re a laparoscopy and hyseteroscopy. I was beginning to feel much better and tried intercourse. I now hae stabbing pain back in my right hand side o groin, like before the op, it seems to be after sex. Do you hae any suggestions. The surgeon found nothing during surgery, and it was 3 weeks ago i had operation. Can you help??
re: Gynae pain by Dr. Sadhana Mishra - Mar 10th, 2011 9:06 am
Dr. Sadhana Mishra
Dr. Sadhana Mishra
Dear Newberry
It is better to wait at least 6 week before starting vigorous sexual activities. The pain may be due to inflammation. If the pain continues even after 3 month you should get one ultrasonography done.
With regards
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