I have vocal cord nodules on both sides
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by gail - Mar 25th, 2011 3:39 pm.
I was told I need surgery now. Can I wait. And is surgery the only way to go I here my voice will never be the same worried. Can u help me please
re: I have vocal cord nodules on both sides by Dr Sadhana - Mar 26th, 2011 8:18 am
Dr Sadhana
Dr Sadhana
Dear Gail

Removal of vocal cord nodules is a relatively safe and minor surgery. However, those who sing professionally or else should take serious consideration before having surgery. While the patient is subdued under general anesthesia, long thin scissors and knives are used to remove the nodules, or CO2 surgical lasers may be used that are extremely effective in such cases. The best safety measures seem to be obsessed with the study of vocology, the science and exercise of voice rehabilitation.

With regards

re: I have vocal cord nodules on both sides by Ledaepifife - Aug 3rd, 2012 1:20 am
Vocal cord nodules are benign (noncancerous) growths on vocal cords that are caused by vocal abuse. With time, repeated abuse of the vocal cords results in soft, swollen spots on each vocal cord. These spots become harder, callous-like growths called nodules. The nodules will become larger and stiffer the longer the vocal abuse continues.

Polyps may take a number of forms. They are sometimes brought on by vocal abuse. Polyps show up on either one or each of the vocal cords. They are like a swelling or bump (just like a nodule), a stalk-like growth, or perhaps a blister-like lesion. Most polyps are larger than nodules and may be called by other names, for example polypoid degeneration or Reinke's edema. The best way to think about the difference between nodules and polyps would be to think of a nodule like a callous and a polyp as a blister.
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