Fibroid Surgery
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Lydia - Aug 1st, 2011 8:58 am.
My name is Lydia and I live in Toronto, Canada. I am a 43 year old woman and I have one child born in 2003 via cesarian section. During my early stage of the pregnancy, doctors found fibroid during a routine ultrasound. Since then, my abdomen has grown and I have received very many different opinions about the fibroid. I have seen a couple of different surgeons and all have said different said, remove your uterus, it is just a "bag"...I was not impressed with this. Another said, "don't worry, the fibroid will shrink and return to a much smaller size" grew in the past 7 years...I now have an abdomen the size of a 20 week pregancy I was told by a surgeon. I am looking to savely remove this intramural fibroid and with minimal invasive surgery. I have done extensive research but I have found that in Canada, there are very few doctors who can do this surgery. I have had one appointment recenty and the doctor is supposedly the
most advanced in minimal invasive surgery but she tells me I will have to have a vertical incision, most likely I will require a blood transfusion, (which I am against)...I prefer to bank my blood and for the surgeon to use a cell saver machine..., I am not happy that my abdomen will require a vertical incision as the fibroid is located around my umbilical chord area, high up in the abdomen...she told me because of my small frame, there is not enough room to perform the surgery laprascopically, when I believe that if the right surgeon is found, it is highly possible! I have consulted with surgeons in the United States and they tell me their fees, it is too expensive for me to go there. I have had a sonohystogram in 2008 and it showed, my uterus is not obstructed internally by this growth. I am experiencing symptoms and I am very eager to get this growth removed and with the most MINIMAL INVASIVE approach., as I wish to preserve my uterus and organs
and have my uterus present so that if by God's will, if I become pregnant even at this advanced age, of 44 almost, I would not be unhappy! we have one beautiful boy and I am writing to you as I just read about this wonderful surgeon in New Delhi, Dr. R.K. Mishra...can you kindly forward this email to him and tell me, what would be the possibility for me to come to Delhi to have this surgery done by Dr. R.K. Mishra? What is the total cost in Canadian dollars (for the surgery and for the hospital stay and any tests required?) and when could it be performed? I emplore you and I thank you with the greatest respect.

re: Fibroid Surgery by Dr. Sadhana Mishra - Aug 1st, 2011 9:15 am
Dr. Sadhana Mishra
Dr. Sadhana Mishra
Dear Lydia
Thanks for your email. we can perform this surgery for you. Laparoscopic Myomectomy complete package will cost you 2,000 USD as complete package to you including stay. We should have one MRI of uterus together with some of the blood test and preoperative essential investigation is required as a routine procedure done before this surgery. Hospital stay is only for 2 days but you need to stay at least one week after surgery here in India.
re: Fibroid Surgery by Tisha - Sep 4th, 2011 7:52 pm
If information were soccer, this would be a goooaool!
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