Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Tuhin Bhuiyan - Nov 24th, 2011 12:09 pm. | |
![]() Tuhin Bhuiyan
Dear Sir/ Mam, I am facing a problem in my wife sickness-right side overy cyst.My wife is sick from last two months in lower abdoman pain.Then I have went to doctor for advice. she gave some test & find out cyst in overy on right side.And others test report is ok & no problem.so need advice from your side for a proper treatment.Bcos she is feelng a little pain yet till .Cyst summary as below: When faced problem in then Ultrason report get (1st time 13.09.11)> right side cyst 5.0 X 4.7 CM, 7days taken treatment( injection Eracef 2G +Kacin 500MG) then cyst size 5.0 X 4.1CM.pls see attched for clarification.But left side is ok,no problem there. next 7days taken cef 500mg & one month after test ultrasano then cyst size 5.0 X 3.7 CM(repot 20.11.22),but not cure totally.Now Doctor said/adviced that need operation for fully cure.so pls check with yr side properly & advice me how will do for that case in this time. Pls note that we have completed our marriage last 3.5 yrs, Have not child in this time. 1st six month enjoy/sex sincerly that means time shedule adjusted, but next time available enjoy for a child come over.Not use any system/media(Like-condom/pill) in sex/enjoy time. pls check this matter & advice to me for release. Your advice will very helpfull to us. I am waiitng yr advice & reply. Thanks & Best Rgds Tuhin,Uttara,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Cell: 01912087173. |
re: Overy cyst in right side,Present cyst size 5.0 X 3.7cm
by Dr JS Chauhan -
Nov 25th, 2011
12:45 am
![]() Dr JS Chauhan
Dear Mr Tuhin Bhuiyan We are concern about your wife's ovarian cyst problem. Cysts on the ovaries is really a fluid-filled sac in an ovary. They can develop from the neonatal period to postmenopause. Most ovarian cysts occur during infancy and adolescence, that are hormonally active periods of development. Most are functional anyway and resolve with minimal treatment. However, ovarian cysts can herald an underlying malignant process or, possibly, distract the emergency clinician from the more dangerous condition, for example ectopic pregnancy, ovarian torsion, or appendicitis. When ovarian cysts are large, persistent, or painful, surgery may be required, sometimes leading to removal of the ovary. Using the more frequent use of ultrasonography in recent years, detecting ovarian cysts is becoming more common. Factors that can increase the risk for ovarian cysts include disorders that increase ovarian stimulation, such as gestational trophoblastic disease, multiple gestation pregnancies, and exogenous ovarian stimulation. In women that are pregnant, ovarian cysts may form within the second trimester, when bhCG levels peak. The ultrasonographic appearance of ovarian torsion varies, but, most commonly, the ovary is enlarged. Massive ovarian edema might be seen with torsion, as the twisting from the pedicle impedes lymphatic drainage and venous outflow, leading to ovarian enlargement. Torsion might be intermittent and recurrent with spontaneous detorsion, allowing both arterial and venous flow to the ovary to be observed on ultrasonography. MRI in conjunction with ultrasonography may provide marginal improvements in specificity, but, generally, the additional cost in not justified. Treatment depends on your age, the type and size your cyst, as well as your symptoms. You are able to wait and be re-examined in one to three months if you're inside your reproductive years, you've got no symptoms and an ultrasound teaches you have a simple, fluid-filled cyst. Your physician will likely suggest that you get follow-up pelvic ultrasounds at periodic intervals to see if your cyst is different in dimensions. Watchful waiting, including regular monitoring with ultrasound, is also a common treatment option suitable for postmenopausal women if a cyst is full of fluid and fewer than 2 inches across. We might recommend oral contraceptives to reduce the risk of new cysts developing in future menstrual cycles. Oral contraceptives offer the added benefit of significantly reducing your chance of ovarian cancer - the danger decreases the longer you are taking birth control pills. We might suggest elimination of a cyst if it's large, does not look like a functional cyst, keeps growing or persists through two or three menstrual cycles. Cysts that create pain or other symptoms may be removed. Some cysts can be removed without taking out the ovary inside a procedure known as a cystectomy. Your doctor could also suggest elimination of the one affected ovary and leaving the other intact inside a procedure referred to as oophorectomy. Both procedures may allow you to keep your fertility if you're still inside your childbearing years. Leaving a minumum of one ovary intact also has the advantage of maintaining a source of estrogen production. If your cystic mass is cancerous, however, your doctor will advise a hysterectomy to get rid of both ovaries and your uterus. After menopause, the chance of a newly found cystic ovarian mass being cancerous increases. Consequently, doctors additionally recommend surgery whenever a cystic mass develops around the ovaries after menopause. This surgery may either be done in the conventional open manner - laparotomy or as a keyhole non-invasive surgery With regards JS Chowhan |
re: Overy cyst in right side,Present cyst size 5.0 X 3.7cm
by Mrs naheed -
Mar 4th, 2013
6:14 am
![]() Mrs naheed
I have a cyst of 3.7*3.8size after four months of my marriage.what should I do? Is it dangerous for coming pregnancy or not? Dear Naheed Most of the ovarian cyst are physiologic and it'll disappear jts own. You should get one ultrasound done after few month. With regard J S Chowhan |
re: Overy cyst in right side,Present cyst size 5.0 X 3.7cm
by Nabamita Halder -
Oct 2nd, 2016
10:04 pm
![]() Nabamita Halder
My right ovary is ok but according to usg left ovary bulky in size &contains a cyst measure3.7mm 2.4mm no adnex nal sol is seen &left ovary measure 5.7mm 3mm so what should I do ?plz reply me Dear Nabamita You have not mention your age as well as your marriage history. The size of the cyst is not so big if it not causing you any problem you dont need to go for the surgery but you have to go for the regular follow up to see if it is increasing in size. If its increase in size then surgery should be consider as it can affect the fertility. laparoscopic Cystectomy can be consider. With regards Dr Rahul |