Discussion in 'All Categories' started by mrs.priyanka bhardwaj - Nov 14th, 2011 11:40 pm.
mrs.priyanka bhardwaj
mrs.priyanka bhardwaj
i am 29 year old with one kid. i have fibrod of 3 cm in utrus, which is causing very heavy bleeding. i m taking medicine for 2 years but the problem is becoming big every month.

what should i do... should i continue wiht medicine or should go for surgery. plz sugest
re: fibroid by Dr M.K. Gupta - Nov 17th, 2011 9:55 pm
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Mrs. Priyanka Bhardwaj

You did not tell us which type of fibroid you have like subserous or intramural or submucous.

Generally bleeding happens more with subserous myoma and if is troublesome you need to get hysteroscopic myomectomy done. Whenever a fibroid is inside the uterine cavity, it will more often than not cause abnormal bleeding and cramping. If it's not currently causing problems, the possibilities high that it'll. For this reason, I usually suggest that they be removed. These can usually be removed using a special type of hysteroscope, or resectoscope. The resectoscope is a telescope having a built-in loop that may cut through tissue. It has been utilized for a long time to deal with enlargement from the male prostate, and has recently been used inside the uterus. This is called hysteroscopic resection of myomas. In skilled hands most myomas inside the uterus can be removed within an outpatient setting.

During diagnostic hysteroscopy the hysteroscope is used just to observe the endometrial cavity (within the uterus.) During operative hysteroscopy a type of hysteroscope is used that has channels in which it is possible to insert very thin instruments. These instruments can be used to remove polyps, to chop adhesions, and do other procedures. With the development of better and smaller instruments, I've found that I am able to remove some polyps in addition to doing other procedures that accustomed to need a full operating room. In many situations, operative hysteroscopy may offer an alternative to hysterectomy.

Please first get your diagnosis clear that which type of myoma you have and based upon that we will decide your treatment plan.

With regards
M.K. Gupta
re: fibroid by mrs.priyanka bhardwaj - Nov 25th, 2011 2:30 pm
mrs.priyanka bhardwaj
mrs.priyanka bhardwaj
thanks doctor for reply..

my ultra sound as in oct was as follow..
Uterus is anterverted and bulky in size.
measure 10.98*7.28*6.25 cm.
myometrium appears heterogenous.
heterogenously hypoechoic lesion of 3.95*3.57*2.06 cm is seen in sunmucosal location s/o submucosal fibroid.
another smal intramural fibroid in anterior wall of 2.16*1.78 cm
endometrium in midline and normal mesure 4.3mm

i am totally confused.. some doctor say to use only medicines.. some say to remove uterus, some laproscopy..

plz sugest
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