Pain Abdomen and Bowel Problem
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Simran Awasthi - Dec 9th, 2011 11:03 am.
Simran Awasthi
Simran Awasthi
I have been expeariencing lots of pain in my intestinal area and now I have not been able to move my bowels on my own. I only clear my bowels with the aid of a water colon clense. I have a history of adhesions, this was all due to a spenectomy, which happened in 1968. My doctors in Canada say everything looks clear, but I feel that some thing has been coming in the last 5 years to cause much pain and the problem that I have with my bowels, which stopped working on their own as of Jan. 2011 and up to present.I need help can your hospital provide me with this help.

Thank you
re: Pain Abdomen and Bowel Problem by Dr M K Gupta - Dec 9th, 2011 11:13 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Madam.

In case of severe discomfort, obstruction you may need diagnostic laparoscopic evaluation and adhesiolysis. Before advising any surgical intervention and these invasive procedure you need to get examined by some good surgeon. He will prescribe you some investigation.

Chronic pelvic pain and/or associated intestinal disturbance really are a major cause of misery for thousands of patients. Often in constant pain, the individual experiences loneliness, hopelessness, frustration and desperation with thoughts of suicide. Family and work relationships are strained towards the limit. Although ADHESIONS in many cases are (although not always) the reason for this pain, strategy to adhesions isn't performed either because the surgeon doesn't think that adhesions may cause the issue, or because lysis of adhesions is considered too hard or futile.

Adhesions are an almost inevitable outcome of surgery, and also the problems that they cause are widespread and often severe. It has been said by some that adhesions would be the single most typical and costly problem related to surgery, and yet almost everyone has not even heard the term. This lack of awareness means that, excluding infertility, many doctors are unable or unwilling to tackle the issues of adhesions, many insurance providers are unwilling to cover treatment and many patients are left in misery.
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