Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Neha Kulkarni - Nov 25th, 2011 7:22 pm. | |
Neha Kulkarni
my sister wanted to go for sleeve gastrectomy (laproscoic) , she joined a hospital where in as soon as she was taken into the operation theater within one hour the doctor came out and told that he had cut a wrong blood vessal and severe bleeding happeened. he told us to get blood where v provoded him with 36 units of blood( including platelets and ffp). they said condition critical later next day they have done a heart bipass surgery the same day was declared dead. she was a single parent for a 7 year old boy. i want to fight against the doctor . kindly suggest abt the neglegence of the doctor ACCORDING TO OPERATION REPORT: LAPRAROTOMY DONE,BLEEDING VESSELS LIGATED i3.0 prolene,,further suturing done i3-0 prolene, vessals tear and retracted upto aorta.haemostasis made and further suturing,ttube placed in duodenum, feeding jejunostomy made. 2 sponges, surgiscla placed closed to pen aortic area from where ooze and bleeding was coming. drain placed in pelvis.mass closure of abdomen done. i-0 prolene. skin closed nylon 2-0 bleding continued. kindly contact me on my number 9963068165 ned to discuss. kindy help coz a 7 year old boy dint have a father nw he does nt even have a mom! ple |
re: Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Dr JS Chauhan -
Nov 25th, 2011
7:32 pm
Dr JS Chauhan
Dear Neha Kulkarni We have a total sympathy with you and what happened was very wrong with you and we can understand the agaony you might be suffering from but as a doctor I can not help you to frame a case against a doctor. Our free Medical advice Board cannot assist you in pursuing civil litigation against the physician for "malpractice." We cannot share any of the information, records or reports gathered during the course of its review or investigation with the patient or family members, nor can the Board provide referrals to attorneys. I hope you might have understood our limitations and forgive us With regards J S Chauhan |
re: Sleeve Gastrectomy
by Vanishri -
Feb 11th, 2012
2:00 pm
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