Discussion in 'All Categories' started by vikas himatsingka - Feb 20th, 2012 10:53 am. | |
vikas himatsingka
having pain in uterus left side, it is tumor in uterus. |
re: tumor in uterus
by Dr MK Gupta -
Feb 23rd, 2012
6:45 pm
Dr MK Gupta
Dear vikas himatsingka To diagnose any tumor in uterus you should get one MRI or ultrasound of uterus done. Ultrasonography of uterus is required in case of any confusuion . Fibroid is the most common tumor of the uterus and it is a benign condition. The role of imaging studies in women with fibroids is to: (a) confirm the clinically suspected diagnosis of fibroids, (b) exclude other causes of uterine enlargement or pelvic masses such as adenomyosis, uterine malignancy, and benign or malignant ovarian masses, (c) identify normal ovaries in the presence of an enlarged uterus, (d) examine the kidneys and urinary tract for obstruction due to the pelvic mass, e) assess the fallopian tubes for patency and (f) determine precisely the number, size, and location of the fibroids. The latter is particularly important for successful myomectomy because it helps the surgeon determine ahead of time what kind of operation is required. The type of imaging test depends on the individual findings in a given woman and the availability of certain equipment. The tests commonly used are pelvic ultrasound (both transabdominal and vaginal) and x-rays of the kidneys and urinary tract (IVP). Newer imaging modalities which may be used in selected cases include MRI and sonohysterography. MRI helps define the size and location of fibroids in a giant uterus and also detects adenomyosis as an additional diagnosis or as the sole diagnosis instead of fibroids. Sonohysterography is an ultrasound study performed after the instillation of saline into the uterine cavity. It helps define the location and presence of submucous or intracavity fibroids. With regrds M.K. Gupta |