Laparoscopic Drilling (Neerkadi)
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Usha - Feb 13th, 2012 2:12 pm.
This is Usha / 2 1/2 Year Marriage Life / Irregular period in 1 1/2 years. so i check in Aiswarya Hospital she's ask you have 2 Neerkadi in Starting Stage. so Take Tablet for Metformin Tablet for 6months. after clear your problem maybe. so take Morning and Night 1 Tablet 5mg. but After 6month Not clear my problem. so again i go to hospital. she's test with for all. then (7th / 11th / 17th Scan for TV Scan) 17th day Doctors ask Grow thing for improve put here one.. so you take tablet for same tablet. and virginity tablet Morning and Night.. i take and put tablets.. Doctor Ask you have this time correct period (or) conceive.. but i got my period for 35th Day. then other day i take my reports.. Doctor Writing by Growthing was Poor, Laparoscopy Drilling.. so I Go to Government hospital she's Test for me. white disease here. so Doctor give tablet. then ECO / ECG / Tyroid Test / Blood Test / HIV test all of normal. Doctor Ask for you come Period 2nd Day. I want Answer i go to Laparosocopy Drilling in government hospital..?????
re: Laparoscopic Drilling (Neerkadi) by Dr M.K. Gupta - Feb 18th, 2012 10:46 pm
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Usha

Laparoscopic Ovarian Diathermy [Ovarian Drilling] Surgical treatment is recommended if the treatment fail as well as for women who have observed OHSS. This may be ovarian drilling or ovarian wedge resection. It's not clear why women with PCOS ovulate after ovarian drilling or wedge resection. After surgery, ovulation occurs spontaneously in 70-90% of women and also the possibility of pregnancy after one year is in the region of 40-60%. There isn't any increased risk of multiple pregnancy or OHSS. If ovulatory cycles fail to restore after the surgery, a doctor may restart ovulation induction. A recent study up to Two decades after laparoscopic drilling has shown persistence of ovulation over a long time. In contrast to treatment, it only need be practiced once and intensive monitoring is not needed. The main problems related to surgery include adhesion formation, the risk of destruction of the ovaries resulting in ovarian failure. In addition, you will find risks associated with surgery and anaesthesia.

Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is really a surgical procedure that can trigger ovulation in females with pcos (PCOS) who have not taken care of immediately weight loss and fertility medication. Electrocautery or laser can be used to destroy portions of the ovaries.

Laparoscopy is usually done with general anaesthesia. A small incision is made within the abdomen in the navel. A tube can be used to inflate the abdomen having a little bit of co2 gas therefore the laparoscope can be inserted without damage to the abdominal internal organs. Choices looks with the laparoscope in the organs. Surgical instruments may be inserted using it . incision or any other small incisions in the pelvic area.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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