Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Ajeemun Joomun - Mar 23rd, 2012 3:06 pm.
Ajeemun Joomun
Ajeemun Joomun
I already did a laparoscopic ovarian drilling but after that I got my period only one. I did it in November 2011 and got my period in december normally but after that, ther has been nothing. I want to get pregnat and I do not know hoe to ovulate.
re: PCOS by Dr M. K. Gupta - Apr 2nd, 2012 11:58 pm
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dear Dr Joomun

Case series studies of women with PCOS have reported that ovarian drilling results in an 80 percent ovulation rate and a 50 percent pregnancy rate. The advantage of laparoscopy is that tubal patency can be checked at the same time in a single procedure, and ovarian drilling of either one or both ovaries appears to restore ovulation in a substantial number of patients. Serum concentrations of LH and testosterone decrease rapidly after ovarian drilling with a sustained mid- and long-term effect.

Please keep in mind that the proportion of women with regular menstrual cycles increases substantially after drilling and is sustained at long-term follow-up.

Ovulation and pregnancy rates are substantially increased in the period after the operation and appear to be maintained. Resistance to the effects of ovarian drilling include marked obesity, very elevated levels of androgens, and long duration of infertility. Addition of other ovulating agents such as clomiphene citrate or FSH appears to improve the effectiveness of laparoscopic ovarian drilling.

In your case the cause may be due to inadequately performed surgery or there may be some other cause of amenorrhoea. You should get all your hormone tested again and get one good quality ultrasound done to know the status of your PCOD.

With regards
M.K. Gupta
re: PCOS by Intencebeabe - Apr 9th, 2012 12:40 am
Hello ppl. Greetings from Fort Johnson
re: PCOS by Sagar - Apr 20th, 2012 4:36 am
I wish there was such a simple anewsr to that question. There are so many things you need to consider.1. It could be a male problem2. It could be a female problem3. May be there is no problem4. You're simply not doing it' at time of ovulation5. Do you have periods/ovulation regularly?6. Do you smoke/ alcohol/ over weight/ etc etc.7. Do you have any medical condition like PCOS, endometriosis etc etc?See how complicated it can get? Anyway something that I have recently seen people talking about a lot is Chinese medicine for infertility. There are many people that say some changes in the life style can simply get you pregnant.Apparently there are many people that managed to get pregnant in spite of being told that they were infertile' by doctors of western medicine and then years later managed to get pregnant after a few changes in life style like a few small dietery changes etc.
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