Fellopean Tube Blocked
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Khurram Sheraz Sheikh - Mar 18th, 2012 9:32 pm.
Khurram Sheraz Sheikh
Khurram Sheraz Sheikh
we have come to know that one of fellopean tube is blocked and releasing septic water in uteres due to which the second tube is also unable to perform normally to help in conceiving.
Some doctors are asking for operating laproscopy, some are claiming to pack one tube permanently and some are in favor of IVF procedure to have a baby.
re: Fellopean Tube Blocked by Dr M.K. Gupta - Mar 23rd, 2012 12:01 am
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Khurram Sheraz Sheikh
In our opinion laparoscopic surgery should be tried and if the condition is not favorable seen during laparoscopy diseased tube should be removed or ligated and IVF should be the next option. So all your gynecologists have given you correct advice and plan of treatment depends on feasibility of treatment option present to you nearby.

With regards
M.K. Gupta
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