complication post-laproscopy
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Hashmi - Mar 10th, 2012 8:29 pm.
Dear Sir,
my wife had to undergo laproscopy procedure 7th march 2012. It was to clear blood that was found in pelvis after the egg-pick-up procedure done as the process of IVF.
However about 20hrs. after the laproscopy was done, she developed large swelling on left-abdomen (the site of laproscopy incision) which increased in volume. We consulted both the laproscopy as well as general surgeon who diagnosed this as a case of "hemoperitoneum/severe oedema-haematoma of the muscle" after ultrasound was done. All her vital signs (BP/blood-tests/pulse etc.) were normal for a period of 1 day that we were in hospital for observation on 9th march 2012.
We were told by the doctors that this is fine and will disappear in 2/3 weeks on its own. However we're a bit worried due to the swelling. We had a few questions:
1. Is this one of the known complications of laproscopic surgery?
2. Can this affect other organs in abdomen?
3. Should we seek further treatment for this immediately?

We earnestly request you to give your opinion on this and if required, we can send out more details and if required and critical, we may be plan to travel to your hospital for this.

Thank you.

re: complication post-laproscopy by Dr M K Gupta - Mar 10th, 2012 9:27 pm
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Hashmi

The swelling of your wife's abdominal wall was due to injury of inferior epigastric artery during insertion of one of the trocar and it is a known complication of Laparoscopy. You should not worry because with time this swelling will subside and it will not affect any of the internal organ of your wife.

Bleeding from the inferior epigastric vessels is often
obvious during the course of laparoscopic surgery.
Occasionally, it may not be apparent until after the trocar has been removed at the end of the operation, because the increased intra-abdominal pressure and retroperitoneal haematoma formation may tamponade even a large vessel injury.

This may remain unnoticed until the pressure is gradually reduced at the conclusion of the procedure. It is good practice to inspect all secondary trocar sites for active
bleeding before the laparoscope is finally withdrawn. The
inspection should be carried out when the intra-abdominal
pressure has been lowered following the release of carbon
dioxide from the intra-abdominal cavity

With regards
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