I have multiple endometriotic cyst in both overy and severe sudden pain started from lower abdomin. Dr. Suggested to removal of cyst and uterus and overy if required
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Nilema Akhter Jahan - Apr 30th, 2012 12:44 am.
Nilema Akhter Jahan
Nilema Akhter Jahan
I have multiple endometriotic cyst in both overy and severe sudden pain started from lower abdomin. Dr. Suggested to removal of cyst and uterus and overy if required. But what will be the consequences if i removed my uterus and overy both as i am 42 years old and i have husband.
re: I have multiple endometriotic cyst in both overy and severe sudden pain started from lower abdomin. Dr. Suggested to removal of cyst and uterus and overy if required by Dr J S Chowhan - May 1st, 2012 12:43 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mrs Jahan

If your gynecologists has told you to remove the ovary and uterus that means you are definitely suffering from severe endometriosis.

If ovaries are removed, you will go through changes like menopause. These might include in many womans hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, mood swings, or other symptoms. However, with time these symptoms will resolve.

Other side effects of hysterectomy are similar to the side effects for any type of surgery. If you work outside the home, you will need to be off for several weeks because of postoperative recovery time, how long depends on the type of hysterectomy you have and your doctor has advised. In your case laparoscopic total hysterectomy will be ideal.

Few studies have shown that for a small number of women, who go for early age hysterectomy may be followed by one of more of the following problems like: unwanted weight gain, constipation, fatigue, unexplained pelvic pain, and premature menopause, even when the ovaries are not removed.

Recurrence of endometriosis after just taking the cyst out is quite high and that is the reason your gynecologist has advised you for bilateral oophorectomy if it is required.

With regards

J.S. Chowhan
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