Inguinal hernia
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by A.Shafi - Apr 21st, 2012 7:24 am.
I have inguinal hernia and want to treat it with Laparscopic surgery. Please advise me. Please also inform if any expert surgeon is available at Amritsar.
re: Inguinal hernia by Dr M. K. Gupta - Apr 22nd, 2012 11:09 pm
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dear A. Shafi

Any laparoscopic surgeon, who has good experience of hernia can perform this surgery.

laparoscopic herniorrhaphy is an excellent alternative to standard herniorrhaphy in selected patients. This process performed via the trans-abdominal or extra-peritoneal approach affords a repair with an equivalent and perhaps better recurrence rate than standard open techniques performed without or with mesh. Its disadvantages include the need for general anesthesia, its greater technical difficulty, its greater equipment requirement, and also the need to enter the abdomen, at least for that trans-abdominal approach.

Advantage of laparoscopic hernia repair in permitting rapid post-operative recovery is most dramatic when compared to bilateral tissue repairs in open surgery. It's also safer and easier in the context of a multiply recurrent hernia.

So in our opinion you should consultant any good laparoscopic surgeon of your area and get your surgery done as soon as possible. Leaving the hernia for long time will increase the defect and surgery will be more complicated.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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