undescended testicle
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by mukesh kumar - Apr 20th, 2012 5:33 am.
mukesh kumar
mukesh kumar
Dear sir,
i am 26 year old having only one testicle in scortem, some time i have feel that another testicle is uperside and some times comes near penis.
please suggest what would i do?
how will my sex life?
any treatment needed?
how it it is costly?
how many time required for that?

Thank & regards,
re: undescended testicle by Dr M. K. Gupta - Apr 22nd, 2012 10:59 pm
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dr M. K. Gupta
Dear Mukesh

Usually the testicle will descend in to the scrotum without treatment during the child's first year of life. If this does not occur, the child could get hormone injections, B-HCG or testosterone to try and bring the testicle in to the scrotum.

Surgery called as orchiopexy to create the testicle into the scrotum may be the main treatment. Having surgery early prevents harm to a mans testicles that can cause infertility. We are performing laparoscopic assisted orchiopexy nowadays.

If the undescended testicle is found later, the care provider may recommend removing it, because it won't work perfectly also it could develop cancer.

Most cases improve by themselves, without any treatment. Medicine or surgery to correct the condition is usually successful.

In about 5% of patients with undescended testicles, the testicles cannot be available at the time of surgery. This is called a vanished or absent testis.

Damage to the testicle from surgery Infertility later may be testicular cancer in both testes.

You should first come for examination and after that we can decide which type of surgery will be better for you.

With regards
M.K. Gupta
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