Retrorectal cyst
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Kelly - May 19th, 2012 1:03 pm.
I was diagnosed with a 8 - 9cm retrorectal cyst. My doctor said it is most likely benign. He recomended surgery to remove it and will go in from the anterior. I asked him about laproscopic surgery and he said it was not a good option. Can you please let me know what your opinion is on this. Also, will anterior surgery cause any problems with trying to get pregnant?
re: Retrorectal cyst by Dr J S Chowhan - May 24th, 2012 12:54 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Kelly
Retrorectal cysts are rare benign lesions within the presacral space which are frequently diagnosed in middle-aged females.

According to our experience at World Laparoscopy Hospital our experience the patient who have been diagnosed as having a retrorectal cyst and managed using a laparoscopic approach, the outcome was good

There was no postoperative morbidity or mortality and also the patients were discharged around the 4th and 5th post operative days, respectively.

Our experience reveal that laparoscopic control over retrorectal cysts is really a safe approach. It reduces surgical trauma while offering a great tool for perfect visualization of the deep structures in the presacral space.

The retrorectal is defined as the space bounded by the sacrum posteriorly, the rectum anteriorly, the peritoneal reflection superiorly, the levator ani and coccygeus muscles inferiorly. Its lateral margins are formed by the ureters and iliac vessels.

Cystic lesions arising in this space are known as retrorectal or presacral cysts as well as their incidence minute rates are one in approximately 40 000 patients.

Retrorectal cysts could be uni or multilocular. This content in retrorectal cysts differs from clear fluid to dense mucus. Calcifications can happen within the wall from the cyst and septa are available inside. The liner includes more than one type of epithelium. It is often encompassed by scattered bundles of smooth muscle but does not have myenteric plexus or serosa.

The surgical outcome depends on the experience of operating surgeon.

With regards

J.S. Chowhan
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