dermoid cyst in left ovary
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Jyoti sidhwani - May 15th, 2012 1:51 pm.
Jyoti sidhwani
Jyoti sidhwani
i have 4.2x2.9x4.0cm cystic area in my left ovary and need to remove it so need your advise how to CA-125 is 16.40 normal range
re: dermoid cyst in left ovary by Dr J S Chowhan` - May 17th, 2012 11:49 am
Dr J S Chowhan`
Dr J S Chowhan`
Dear Jyoti.

Traditional surgical procedures or laparoscopy can both be employed to remove ovarian dermoid cysts. The larger the dermoid cyst, the greater complicated the surgery. A larger ovarian cyst could have a greater risk of rupture, which spills the cysts contents in to the surrounding ovary and the body cavity. A ruptured dermoid cyst may cause ovarian:


A laparoscopy is really a non-invasive surgical technique sometimes called keyhole surgery or pinhole surgery. Laparoscopy incisions are often very small, and many come in the lower abdominal area. A skinny tube is inserted through the incision. A fiber-optic camera and surgical tools are then threaded with the tube.

When removing ovarian dermoid cysts, a laparoscopy tends to:

Cause less pain
Have shorter recovery time
Reduce surgical scarring.

A large ovarian dermoid cyst, however, may need more conventional surgical strategies to safely take it off. However, in your case laparoscopic surgery is good.

With regards

JS Chowhan
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