gal bladdar stone 5mm
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by sheik - Jun 1st, 2012 3:34 am.
my wife aged 26 (2 childs)having gal bladdar stone problem recently since one month after my second child(50days old) delivery. we have checked local hospital and scanned right abdoman pain area and found 5 mm stone in gal bladdar.

doctor advised to take chinise method of galbladdar flash by salt, water, lime & Olive oil for seven day. we had follwed the same. still my wife feeling like stone available. doctor advised to do the same for one more time then we will go for scan to check exactly.

please advice your good suggestion to relieve soon with out surgery.

thanks ®ards.

Sheik Ali.

please advice
re: gal bladdar stone 5mm by Dr J S chowhan - Jun 2nd, 2012 7:35 am
Dr J S chowhan
Dr J S chowhan
Dear Sheik Ali

It is very unlikely that stone of gall bladder will be removed by medical therapy. If your wife has symptom please get the gall bladder removed.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a procedure where the gallbladder is removed by laparoscopic techniques. Laparoscopic surgery also called minimal access surgery describes the performance of surgical treatments using the aid of a high definition video camera and several thin laparoscopic instruments.

Throughout a laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgical treatment, small incisions of up to half an inch are made and metal tubes called ports are put through these incisions.

The telescope and the instruments are then introduced through the ports which permit access to the within the patient. The laparoscopic camera transmits an HD image of the organs within the abdomen onto a HD television monitor.

Choices is not able to see directly into the patient with no traditional large incision. The video camera becomes a surgeons eyes in laparoscopic surgery, since the laparoscopic surgeon uses the look in the monitor positioned within the patient body to perform the process of surgery.

Benefits of minimal access or laparoscopic procedures include less post operative discomfort because the incisions tend to be smaller, quicker recovery times, shorter hospital stays, earlier return to full activities and far smaller scars. Furthermore, there may be less internal scarring once the procedures are carried out inside a non-invasive fashion when compared with standard open surgery.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a very safe operation. The general complication minute rates are less than 2 percent. The complication rate for laparoscopic gallbladder surgical treatment is similar to the complication rate for traditional open gallbladder surgery when done by an adequately trained surgeon.

Thousands of laparoscopic cholecystectomy happen to be performed in the whole world and this operation comes with an excellent safety record.

A laparoscope is inserted with the belly button port and connected to a special camera. The laparoscope provides the surgeon having a magnified look at the patient organs on the television screen.

Long engineered instruments are inserted through the other three ports that allow your surgeon to delicately separate the gallbladder from the attachments towards the liver and also the bile duct after which remove it through among the ports in the abdomen.

Please do not hesitate if you have any further query.

With regards

J.S. Chowhan
re: gal bladdar stone 5mm by Gopequeepsy - Jun 4th, 2012 8:48 am
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re: gal bladdar stone 5mm by ematuesse - Jun 4th, 2012 9:02 am
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re: gal bladdar stone 5mm by riaz ahmed - Jul 8th, 2013 12:27 am
riaz ahmed
riaz ahmed
thank you Mr. Ali. MY Self Riaz Ahmed, my wife is also suffering this gallbladder pain. but not in right side. we have also a babby 3 month s old. after opretion there is any complication during in mother s milk.

Dear Mr Ahmed

There is no any complication after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in lactating mother.
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