Suffering from Headache Continuously since 3 Years.
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Kundan Singh - Jun 18th, 2012 12:46 am.
Kundan Singh
Kundan Singh
Dear Sir,
this is Kundan Singh from Delhi and my Sister (Archana Singh) is suffering from Headache Continuously since 3 Years. I showed her in many Hospital's but we did'nt get any responce.
So please sir help me to solve this problem.
For this kind of act i'll be very thankfull to you.

Kundan singh
re: Suffering from Headache Continuously since 3 Years. by Dr J S Chowhan - Jun 18th, 2012 11:51 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Kundan Singh

Headaches has numerous causes and exact cause is very difficult to diagnose sometime. In 2007 the International Headache Society agreed upon an updated classification system for headache which should be valid all over world. Because so many people suffer from headaches and because treatment sometimes is difficult, it is hoped that the new this classification system will allow physician come to a specific diagnosis as to the type of headache and to provide better and more effective treatment for patient.

So in this case you need to bring your sister to us so that we can diagnose first the real cause of headache.

With regards

J.S. Chowhan
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