pomeroy steralisation
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by maureen - Jun 13th, 2012 2:21 pm.
I was steralised in 1996 using the pomeroy techique but after having an mri scan 4 years ago was told that i was missing a clip from my right side. I have had the marina coil removed so was now wondering if i was at risk from pregnancy. I didnt think the pomeroy method involved clips so im a bit confused.
re: pomeroy steralisation by Dr J S Chowhan - Jun 14th, 2012 1:18 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Maureen

The Pomeroy operation is the most popular and widespread operation performed for female sterilization.

In many women in developing country it can be performed postpartum, at the time of cesarean section, or at interval sterilization through either mini-laparotomy or vaginal colpotomy.

The purpose of the pomeroy operation is to obstruct the female Fallopian tubes and prevent pregnancy in reproductive age group female.

In pomeroy technique a 0 synthetic absorbable suture is preferable to permanent suture for ligating the knuckle of Fallopian tube. If the two ends of the Fallopian tube are permanently held in approximation, there may be a greater chance of recanalization than if they are allowed to separate when the suture is absorbed.

There is no clip used in this technique so you should not worry about and there is no chance of pregnancy.

With regards

Dr J S Chowhan
re: pomeroy steralisation by Kiesha - Nov 29th, 2012 8:27 am
This scenario rsaies a whole lot of questions.The first are, how old are you and why did you have the hysterectomy? These may be very important in coming to an answer. For example: if we assume that you were postmenopausal when you had this done then why were your ovaries left behind? They would serve no purpose. If your hysterectomy was done for either a pre-cancerous or cancerous condition, why was the cervix left?However, for the sake of answering your question I’ll assume that your hysterectomy was done for a benign condition, e.g., fibroids and that you were well pre-menopausal, i.e.,
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