stone in gall bladder
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by nikhil - Jul 18th, 2012 2:35 pm.
i had a stone of size 8mm in gall bladder.i got the pain only once till now.what all foods i should not eat to prevent furthur attack?is it compulsary to do surguy?
is the stone small or large?can drinking lot of water daily will dilute the stone?
kindly help me out
re: stone in gall bladder by Dr J S Chowhan - Jul 19th, 2012 12:45 pm
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Nikhil
Symptomatic gallstones are easy to treat and even if you have one time pain you should go for surgery. It is proven fact unfortunately that symptomatic gallstones are as easy to deal with. This results in complication a problem for surgeon to do the surgery and sometime bad implications involved, since asymptomatic gallstones are much more common than gallstones associated with symptoms and require sometime people think there is no surgical intervention necessary.

Asymptomatic gallstones need no intervention in most cases only if there is no any pain even a single time, thereby saving the individual unnecessary surgery and also the healthcare establishment costs, in the financial form as well as in manpower.

With few exceptions, patients with asymptomatic gallstones require only watchful waiting. However, patients with typical biliary symptoms and gallstones even one time symptom should be treated. The very best treatment to date is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Our aim ought to be to create a single, noninvasive treatment, with minimal negative effects, which will both eliminate existing stones and stop stone formation, and at the same time frame be superior to cholecystectomy. We are able to then assess the extent to which this treatment ought to be applied.

With regards

J S Chowhan
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