Laproscopy ovarian cyst surgery
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Santosh Kadam - Aug 10th, 2012 6:02 am.
Santosh Kadam
Santosh Kadam
we are trying for baby since last couple of years..visited many doctors but no success yet.
one doctor suggsted to need to have do the laproscopy ovarian cyst surgery. dut to that only my wife not get pregnant.
operation cost will be around 25k.

pls suggest
re: Laproscopy ovarian cyst surgery by Dr M K Gupta - Aug 11th, 2012 10:03 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Santosh Kadam

You need to get ovarian cystectomy done for your wife but it is not necessary that cyst is the cause of infirtility. Because ovarian cysts are generally found in young women, so many infertile women will also be noted to possess ovarian cysts . They are often detected on routine ultrasound scans, and cause considerable confusion and anxiety in the minds of patients.

An ovarian cyst is just a fluid-filled sac within the ovary. They are able to vary in dimensions and contain liquid that's thin and watery, or thicker and paste-like.

Cysts are extremely common in the ovary due to the ovulation cycle. Even normally, the follicle contains fluid. If the follicle doesn't rupture during the time of ovulation, the follicle gets bigger as it swells with fluid. This follicular cysts are also known as a functional cyst, because it is a result of ovarian function. The other kind of functional cysts are a corpus luteum cyst which develops when the corpus luteum fills with fluid or blood. When bleeding occurs inside a functional cyst, this is called a hemorrhagic cyst. A lot of women with endometriosis also provide ovarian cysts. These are called chocolate cysts, because of the colour of the contents.

Cysts are also present in women with PCOD. Occasionally a dermoid cyst or a may develop. This kind of cyst can have a range of tissues, for example hair, skin or teeth, because it forms from cells that make eggs within the ovaries. Dermoid cysts are more common in younger women and could have to be surgically removed. A cystadenoma is really a cyst that develops in the cells that cover the outer part of the ovary. You will find different kinds - some are filled with a watery liquid, and others with a thicker, mucous substance. They are not normally cancerous, but may need to be surgically removed. Most ovarian cysts don't cause symptoms, and are usually first noted on ultrasound scanning. Partly due to the quality and resolution of the new ultrasound scanners, even small cysts are diagnosed and reported routinely. Many patients then start worrying concerning the effect of those cysts on their own fertility. Unfortunately , sometimes instead of reassuring them, their doctors advise these to get these cysts removed. This often causes more damage than good ! Most cysts do not cause symptoms, and therefore are best left alone. Occasionally, some cysts could cause irregular menstrual bleeding, when the cysts are hormonally active; or pelvic pain . While usually the cysts are not the cause of the pain sensation, once the patient knows she's a cyst.

So in your case we need investigation for your cyst and decide that actually it is a cause of infertility or not.

With regards
M.K. Gupta
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