spine problem
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Sara - Aug 7th, 2012 6:54 am.
I have a pain at lower part of my spine and this pain becomes very sever when i wake up
this has been the case for about a year now and lately
i am gradually get Numbness in my left toes also my left leg gets stiffen lately. and today i feel like my left hand fingertips is burning. I went for GP and told me that you have cartilage problem in the spine and that the only solution is to have an operation. I wonder if this is the case and if i have other solution than an operation. and is getting enough rest for about three months going to solve the problem
re: spine problem by Dr M K Gupta - Aug 11th, 2012 8:46 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Sara

From your history it looks like you have prolapsed disk. Surgery may be an option in some cases. As a rule, surgery may be considered if the symptoms have not settled after about six weeks or so. This is the minority of cases as, in about 9 in 10 cases, the symptoms have eased off and are not bad enough to warrant surgery within about six weeks.

You should yourself examined by a neurosurgeon, who can advice you MRI of spine and then the accurate diagnosis of disc prolapse and extent of damage can be found.

With regards
M.K. Gupta

The aim of surgery is to cut out the prolapsed part of the disc. This often eases symptoms. However, it does not work in every case. Also, as with all operations, there is a risk from surgery. A specialist will advise on the pros and cons of surgery, and the different techniques that are available.
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