testicle Uneasyness
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by gaurav - Jul 28th, 2012 7:26 pm.
Hi Doctor,

Following diagnosis has been confirmed.

1. small right ingunal hernia and very smal impression of left ingunal hernia.
2. very small left verecocele

Feelings: I have scrotal uneasyness on both sides predominantly right (fell like something is flowing and uneasyness during sitting for long period, Normal during sleep period, Little itchy). No unberable pain its just uneasyness in testicle scrotal part right and left.

What can be the reason?
re: testicle Uneasyness by Dr M C Gupta - Jul 29th, 2012 1:39 pm
Dr M C Gupta
Dr M C Gupta
Dear Gaurav

Your uneasyness sensation of something flowing may be due to varicose vein as well as hernia.

In these condition you should get yourself examined by any surgeon. These symptoms can be easily diagnosed by clinical examination by a surgeon and then appropriate surgery can be decided.

Laparoscopic surgery is a very good option for both hernia as well as varicocele.

With regards

M C Gupta
re: testicle Uneasyness by lucky - Oct 30th, 2012 6:49 am
After fInIshed 10days antIbIotIc corse. StIll dull paIn on my rIght testIcel paIn come and go on my rIght testIcel. No swellIng. Pl advIce .thanks

Dear Lucky

One Ultrasound will be very informative.
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