Gall Bladder stone removal
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by A.Darwin - Jul 27th, 2012 12:54 am.
Respected Sir,
My father Mr A.Annadurai is now 59 years old, during February 2012 he suffered from Acute cholecystitis. He was admitted to a hospital in Chennai. There the Doctors put him on I V fluids and antibiotics for a while and upon doing MRI scan they found numerous calculi in gallstones the largest measuring 5 mm. They also found a calculi in CBD as well. An ERCP was done to blow the stone from CBD and a stent was placed. According to doctors he they encountered a problem in accessing CBD and they accessed through pancreatic duct. He developed post ERCP acute pancreatitis with pseudocyst. We shifted my father to a renowned hospital in Chennai there ultra sound guided pseudocyst fluid drainage is done. Still he has little (50 ml) fluid collection in pancreas. But the doctor told it not dangerous. During close follow up another CT scan was done and the doctor found Deep vein thrombosis extending from the feet upto all the major veins till the groin, and they also found pleural fluid collection and it is drained, another chest X-ray was done on 1st July 2012 and found moderate fluid collection but lesser than the earlier one. The pulmonologist said removal of fluid is not necessary now since the father is able to do normal day to day work and adviced us to come after 6 months. They ruled out carcinogenesis. My father heamoglobin level in now at 11.9 mg/L and is taking acitrom 2mg. The gastroenterologist have asked us to wait till the DVT problem is cured. My father has diabetes mellitus for 10 years, his ECG, Ecocardiogram is normal. My father health has sufffered due to various illness for the past six months. Sir I would like to know whether surgical removal is risky for my father or is there any chance of dissolution of gallstones by medication. Through this mail I most humbly request for your valuable opinion. Thanking in anticipation

Yours sincerely,
re: Gall Bladder stone removal by Dr R K Mishra - Jul 29th, 2012 1:19 pm
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Darwin

It is very good to hear that after so many complications of ERCP and DVT and Pancreatitis Pseudocyst your father recovered.

Now the removal of Gallbladder by Laparoscopic surgery is necessary because if the gallbladder will not be removed then few stones can again slip down into the CBD.

Practically speaking there is no any medicine which can cure the gallbladder stone and nowadays laparoacopic cholecystectomy is considered Gold standard for Gallstone disease.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is even very much useful in elderly patient. So in our opinion you should wait for just few more days and once general condition of your father improved get laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed.

With regards
R K Mishra
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