Discussion in 'All Categories' started by DANIEL HAYFORD - Jul 26th, 2012 12:23 pm.
I am suffering from gastric
re: gastric by Dr M C Gupta - Jul 29th, 2012 1:10 pm
Dr M C Gupta
Dr M C Gupta
Dear Hayford

In our opinion you are asking about gastric reflux disease. Gastric Reflux occurs when the tube used to intake food called as oesophagus is not strong enough to handle the acid reflux from stomach. The food you eat is digested by the stomach with the help of an acid produced and stored by it.

The stomach walls are built strong enough to store that acid without causing damage but esophagus is not that much strong.

A general rule is to avoid large meals, fatty or spicy food and avoid eating before you sleep.

We will start with a checklist of common foods to avoid. The following foods will exacerbate your gastric reflux.

Meat: in particular beef. Since meat contains a lot of protein, more acid is needed to digest it.

Processed Food: these foods contain additives. Additives contain concentrated acid that help maintain and prolong the shelf life of food.

With regards
M C Gupta
re: gastric by Sandeep - Aug 7th, 2012 8:32 am
Listen, I don't have a clue. But what did hit me as soon as I read your statement was your wihget and the fact that you have managed to reach a lot of people quickly by writing on line like this. Maybe that's the course of action you should stick to. You need a serious sponsor. Write to TV stations.Send pictures. Get coverage. Send tons of mail and emails. Do it to a point that it starts to worry them that you've asked them for help and they've refused you. That's bad press for a big company. Contact all the big named wihget loss specialists. Pound them, ask for help. Stamps are cheap 37 bucks for a thousand. Email till you drop. They have the money and you have the wihget. You could prove to be a feather in their cap.
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