cannot admire solid food for the time being
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by nagaraj patil - Jul 26th, 2012 6:06 am.
nagaraj patil
nagaraj patil
My uncle (50 years old), recently had undergone radiotherapy (thyroid gland), which might caused some side effect, thereafter he is not taking any solid food, doctors has suggested only liquid foods. initially we was suffering from mal-speaking (his voice was not clear) for which he has undergone radiotherapy. doctors are saying for the time being he can adjust with liquid food, or else could be ready for esophageal dilation (doctors are not guaranteed about success).could you suggest something. thank you in advance
re: cannot admire solid food for the time being by Dr M K Gupta - Jul 29th, 2012 4:17 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Mr Patil

Dysphagia is really a Greek term which means difficulty with eating. There are lots of causes of dysphagia, ranging from reflux, malignancy, and ligament disorders.

It is also known to be a common side-effect of radiation and chemotherapy. While the acute development of dysphagia following radiotherapy established fact, reports recently presentations are incredibly sparse.

The development of esophageal stricture isn't an uncommon side-effect of radiation and chemotherapy for neck and thoracic malignancies. Depending on the study, it may occur anywhere from 2-3 weeks to 4-8 months after therapy. However, chronic late presentations of post-treatment stricture are highly atypical events.

It is important to identify signs and symptoms of dysphagia, not just because of the potentially serious causes, including malignancy, but because of the effects around the patient. Here, the development of multiple instances of aspiration pneumonia is certainly not an insignificant concern.

It is extremely unfortunate that his symptoms were not recognized earlier. Although it isn't particularly common, iatrogenic reasons for esophageal stricture should be suspected in almost any patient with clinical signs of dysphagia status post radiation and/or chemotherapy.

Your uncle need esophageal dilatation and in case of recurrence it may have to be repeated.

With regards
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