in mouth eaching
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by nazrulahmed - Aug 28th, 2012 5:38 am.
sir i m felling in my mouth tong easing continue 2 years but what disease i m feeling not understand.please please advice to me what can i do.
re: in mouth eaching by Dr M K Gupta - Sep 2nd, 2012 5:26 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Nazrul Ahmed

Itching in mouth has many causes. It is a sensation occurring in the mouth that leads to a feeling of wanting to scratch. The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Mouth Itch. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

Mouth ulcer
Hand, foot or mouth disease
Allergy to food
Burn to mouth (see Mouth symptoms)
Acidic fruits
Chronic renal failure
Diabetes mellitus
Carcinoid syndrome due to a carcinoid tumour
Schizophreniform disorder

Please consult any good ENT specialist and get yourself examined to get the diagnosis.

With regards

M K Gupta
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