Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Rana Bhaveshkumar N. - Aug 23rd, 2012 4:10 am. | |
Rana Bhaveshkumar N.
Subject: for inquary Respected Sir, I am Bhavesh Rana.I am from bilimora,Gujarat,India.I am suffering reflux deases more than 6 years.Also I am taking PPI and Pro kinetic more than 5 years.My age is 30 years. Few day back I went to Dr. Mayank Kabarawala,Surat,Gujarat..he Perfomed different test and found hitaus hernia with lax LES,Hypotensive Lower Oesophageal Sphincter and suggested me to do nissen fundoplication. I did manometry,endoscopy and CT scan.Is their any other good surgery compare to that.?I heard about LINX and Esophix surgery for that.Is it suitable for me? For that I need your opinion . I herd your name . So, I want to perform surgery at your hospital .for that I am sending you a mail. Also Please give me approx cost for that surgery,Surgery type,precaution, your experience for that surgery,surgery successors ratio, etc... My problem that I facing is that "what ever I eat that come up after eating. I feel hart burn, chaste pain..I feel like food is not going down side only it is come upside. Some time constipation is also happen.Is This surgery available in India? Also i have depression, for that i am taking mediation that is prescribe by Dr. Mahesh Desai ,Surat. Now I taking mediation is Veloz -It (rebeprozol20+Itopride150) one capsule at empty stomach ) Duzela-20 mg 0-0-1(Duloxetine) Clonotril-0.25mg 0-0-1(Clonazepam) Nexito-5mg 0-0-1(Es Citalopram) Kindly request you to please reply me and give me a good suggestion. |
re: hitaus hernia with lax LES,Hypotensive Lower Oesophageal Sphincter
by Dr M K Gupta -
Aug 23rd, 2012
9:44 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Mr Bhavesh The Nissen procedure is a time tested and effective acid reflux disease treatment. It requires a major alteration to the anatomy of the stomach and has 90% success rates. Accordingly, it tends to be restricted to those patients who've reached the point where there's really not one other alternative. The LINX System cure only those whose symptoms aren't well controlled on medications, although the symptoms are not severe. In most cases, in case your reflux symptoms are just partially controlled by medication and you are looking for a less invasive surgical solution than the usual fundoplication, then only LINX is useful. Long term data of linx procedure success is not available. |