Verecocele Emboilisation and hernia
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Mark - Sep 17th, 2012 4:48 am.
I want the best available and proven technique to be used on my body to avoid any later complications for small bilateral hernia and small left sided verecocele.
I have heard that, after hernia laproscopy surgery complications are high. Question 1 . How risky nerve entrapment is in this procedure?

Verecocele: I would like to that whether verecocele embolisation can be done in my case after or before Hernia surgery? The ultrasound shows very minor verecocele on left side and I want to avoid verecocele surgery. I have minor uneasiness in my scrotum area on both sides. I cannot confirm whether the uneasiness is coming from verecocele or hernia as uneasyness is from both sides. Question 2. Is it possible to leave verecocele surgery and go for only hernia surgery and wait to see whether the scrotum uneasiness goes away after hernia surgery, if not get the verecocele embliosation done?

Question 3 In Australia Surgeon uses Vypro 2 mesh instead of Proline. Which is better and what you use in ur hospital?
re: Verecocele Emboilisation and hernia by Sadhana - Sep 22nd, 2012 2:07 pm
Dear Mark

Varicocele embolization can be done in your case before mesh repair of hernia. It is an image-guided procedure that uses a catheter to place a tiny coil and embolic fluid in a blood vessel to divert blood flow away from a varicocele.

Varicocele embolization safely relieves that pain and swelling and may improve sperm quality for infertile couples.

What are the benefits vs. risks of embolisation?


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