Appedix infection
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by satish - Sep 6th, 2012 12:04 am.
4 months back, I gone through appendicitis operation b laproscope method. But still i am have infection at surgery area(three hole) and some pus is coming.

I am taking some antibiotics like lincomycin etc.

Please suggest me some solution for this infection.
re: Appedix infection by Dr M K Gupta - Sep 6th, 2012 8:07 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Mr Satish

As such chances of infection after Lparoscopic Appendicectomy surgery in very less. To prevent intra-abdominal or abdominal wall contamination, the divided appendix is placed into an endo retrieval bag or cut finger of a sterile glove. The bagged appendix is extracted through the 11.5 mm cannula.

Complications related to infection are the most common cause of morbidity following open appendectomy. Wound infection has been noted in 0.1% of laparoscopic procedures.

The most important complication following appendectomy is that of infection. Those patients with appendiceal perforation, abscess or peritonitis require treatment with antibiotic until the infection is cleared. And though laparoscopic access decreases postoperative pain, it does not change the underlying disease pathology.

Intravenous antibiotic and adequate hydration must be administered to those patients with gross infection and not curtailed because laparoscopic procedures have been associated with early discharge. Patients who can be discharged early should be treated with intravenous antibiotic through home care programs until an appropriate course of therapy has been completed. The benefits of laparoscopic access do not extend to changing disease pathophysiology.

Laparoscopic access has provided a new dimension in the diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal disorders. In those cases of obscure abdominal pain, laparoscopic examination not only provides excellent visualization of abdominal recesses but also permits definitive treatment of conditions such as appendicitis, ruptured ovarian cyst and endometriosis. The diagnostic capability of the laparoscope is especially important in obese patients and in those with abnormal anatomy. In these instances, an extensive abdominal incision is avoided and treatment usually rendered through the small puncture wounds of laparoscopic access.

So in our opinion we need to examine your abdomen to decide the cause of infection and accordingly we will advice you. Some time infection of spore producing bacteria and tubercular infection should be also considered.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
re: Appedix infection by Azhar - Oct 28th, 2012 2:37 pm
sir i am 25 years old before2 years ago i am injered in accident and break my femer bone then dr opperate my femer with nail..but after few month some anfesion on my surgery it is open like a drain.the dr tell me that your body is metal resiset..but i am very hopeless for this problem. please help me and give me answer?

Dear Azhar

If this is reaction of metal the nail should be removed.
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