Anal Fistula
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Meric - Oct 3rd, 2012 12:43 am.
I have a pimple like bump which is 1.5-2cm away from anal verge and positioned approximately at 4 o'clock for the last 3 years. It has started to bleed 2 months ago especially during defacation. Not bleeding every time but most of the times. I don't have any constipation or diarrhoea problem. There is no pain during defacation. But sometimes, especially depending on the sitting position there is a feeling of uneasiness. Although there is a white color at the tip of the bump, I have not observed pus. There is no stain of blood or pus on my boxer so far, I think this is because the bump is so close to the anal verge and there is no direct contact with the boxer.
I would like to know if it is an anal fistula and also what are the treatment options for my case.

Hope to hear from you.
Best Regards
re: Anal Fistula by Dr M K Gupta - Oct 6th, 2012 11:35 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Meric

According to your history you are suffering from anal fistula but to confirm the diagnosis we have to do proctoscopy. An anal fistula is often the result of a previous anal abscess. Just inside the anus are small glands. When these glands get clogged, they may become infected and an abscess can develop. An anal fistula is a small tunnel that forms under the skin and connects a previously infected anal gland to the skin on the buttocks outside the anus.

Fistula surgery usually involves opening up the fistula track. Often this will require cutting a small portion of the anal sphincter, the muscle that helps to control bowel movements. Joining the external and internal openings of the tunnel and con-verting it to a groove will then allow it to heal from the inside out. Most of the time, fistula surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis. Treatment of a deep or extensive fistula may require a short hospital stay for day one or two.

To diagnose that it is really fistula is first thing in your case and for this you should consult any surgeon. Once it is diagnose then you can select any of the above mentioned treatment option.

With regards

M.K. Gupta

re: Anal Fistula by Jignesh - Feb 1st, 2013 11:41 pm
i have a big pimple outside of anus at 1.5 to 2cm. with pain i met doctor and he told treatment is surgery. but i don't want to surgery.
so plz tell me hoe to treat this without surgery.
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