bph grade -2
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by shashi ranjan gupta - Sep 20th, 2012 6:47 am.
shashi ranjan gupta
shashi ranjan gupta
age 69 year,patient of heart,bp,diabetes .i want to avoid smadicine for bph treatment.i want to under go microwave or thermal treatment surgery.please suggest the doctor available at delhi or nearby
re: bph grade -2 by Sadhana - Sep 23rd, 2012 1:29 am
Dear Sashi Ranjan Gupta

Transurethral Microwave Therapy of the Prostate, TUMT or Microwave Therapy accomplishes a destruction of prostate tissue similar to the classic surgical way of treating prostate enlargement or BPH, a transurethral resection of the prostate, or TURP.

However, where the TURP involves using a special telescopic electric knife to scrape out part of the enlarged prostate the TUMT is used to destroy the prostate tissue with microwave heat rather than scrape it out.

The TUMT does not usually affect the inside lining of the prostate so it minimizes the irritative voiding symptoms that can be experienced after TURP. The entire prostate is NOT removed in this operation, but only that portion which is obstructing the channel. The procedure requires no anesthesia and takes approximately 60 minutes in the office to complete.

TUMT treatment is accomplished by placing a specialized catheter into the urethra and prostate for about 45 minutes with a special monitoring probe in the rectum.

We can perform this surgery for you at World Laparoscopy Hospital.

With regards

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