Child fell from height
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by ajay singh - Nov 18th, 2012 9:28 pm.
ajay singh
ajay singh
My 21 month old daughter fell down from 1st floor while playing .Though there was a cemented ledge in between .we did not see her fall and only came to know when she cried from below.she was standing and crying .There were bruises on her forehead, cheek and leg(ankle area) bruises were more of scratches and did not bleed .we rushed to the hospital and the doctor said to observe her for at least 4-5 hrs and in case of Vomiting,Unconsciousness we should contact him .He prescribed IBugelsic 5mg .She was normal and slept well .Yesterday we took another opinion from another pediatrician and he said that the fall was not serious and my daughter seems healthy to him .He recommended Calpol 1 teaspoon 3 times a day to her for 3 days.
Its 50 Hrs now since the incidence and she is behaving fine.
my Query to you is :
1. Do I have to do anything extra/special in this case?
2. I have herd of internal Blood clots that may sometimes surface after few days/months/years and cause some problems .Is it true and if yes what can be done to avoid/prevent any such eventuality?
3. Some relative of mine suggested me to give her a grain size shillajeet to dissolve any clotting if it is there,Is it suggestive?

thank you for your time and reply....
re: Child fell from height by Dr M K Gupta - Nov 19th, 2012 10:48 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Mr Singh

Thanks God your child is safe after that much bad accident. Now you should not worry. Most of the head injury will create symptoms within first 24-48 hour. If she is fine for first few days now nothing is going to happen. Most head injuries in child are mild and not associated with brain injury or long-term complications. Very rarely, children with more significant injuries may develop serious complications.

Encourage the child to lie down or choose a quiet activity. Allow your child to sleep if desired and she should be closely observed for any change in behavior. It is not dangerous for child to sleep after a minor head injury especially if it is nap time, although the parent should monitor the child.

With regard

M.K. Gupta
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