Dermoid Ovarian Cyst
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Dr Aarti - Nov 13th, 2012 7:42 am.
Dr Aarti
Dr Aarti
12 years back,I was diagnosed on a routine ultrasonography with a right sided dermid ovarian cyst measuring 35mm*45mm*55mm. Now, on follow up ultrasonography, i found that the size has increased to 49*59*67mm. I also had pain in right iliac fossa off and on, that was diagnosed as pain due to ovarian cyst torsion which relieved spontaneously. Now, I wanna discuss the further approach for this cyst.
re: Dermoid Ovarian Cyst by Dr M K Gupta - Nov 14th, 2012 6:23 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Dr Aarti

Laparoscopic Ovarian cystectomy is an ideal technique for removing Dermoid cyst. It is concluded in many study that the efficiency and safety of laparoscopic surgery in the management of ovarian dermoid cyst is very practical.

The advantages of operative laparoscopy for dermoid overian cyst such as a short recuperation time and hospital stay, less blood loss, lack of complications,
and less invasive procedures were shown in many study.

Strict criteria for patient selection should always be followed, and retraining schedules for gynecologists
are essential.

So we will advice you to go for laparoscopic removal of dermoid cyst.

With regards

M. K. Gupta
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