Discussion in 'All Categories' started by sudarsanan - Nov 12th, 2012 7:45 am.
Dear Doctor,
My name is SUDARSANAN, staying at Trivandrum, capital city of Kerala (India)
I would like to bring your kind attention to the condition of my grandson; master AADISH, a 4 year old fair boy studying in L.K.G. At the time of birth he was suffering from Meningomyelocele and was removed by a pediatric neurosurgeon. He was also given injunctions for fluid in the brain up to the age of three.
He is now a perfect boy except uncontrolled passing of stool and drop drop passage of urine. He is very brilliant, energetic and does all activities with his hands and legs. But he is not fully aware of urination and passing of stool. He is always using sanitary pads. But the present problem is he is frequently asking us
re: meningomyelocele by Dr M K Gupta - Nov 13th, 2012 6:24 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Myelomeningocele is the most common type of spina bifida.

Most common symptom is:

Loss of bladder or bowel control is the most common
Partial or complete lack of sensation
Partial or complete paralysis of the legs
Weakness of the hips, legs, or feet of a newborn

Unfortunately there is no any permanent cure for this disability created by Myelomeningocele. You can only help your child by modified life style.

Most children of Myelomeningocele will require lifelong treatment for problems that result from damage to the spinal cord and spinal nerves. This includes:

Gentle downward pressure over the urinary bladder may help drain the urinary bladder. In severe cases of Myelomeningocele, drainage tubes, called catheters, may be needed. Bowel training programs and a high fiber diet may improve bowel function.

Orthopedic or physical therapy in the children with Myelomeningocele may be needed to treat musculoskeletal symptoms. Braces may be needed for muscle and joint problems.

Neurological losses are treated according to the type and severity of function loss in Myelomeningocele.

Follow-up examinations is required generally continue throughout the child life. These are done by any good and educated family member to check the child developmental level and to treat any intellectual, neurological, or physical problems.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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