still no child after 4 years of married life
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by bhumika morekar - Oct 25th, 2012 4:10 am.
bhumika morekar
bhumika morekar
I have no child ant want to child and therefore we are going to the doctors for pregnancy treatment but doctor suggest that i have to do laproscopy because in my left side there is chocolates.
Please advise me that i must to do the laproscopy or without larpscopy i can get preganunt.
re: still no child after 4 years of married life by Dr J S Chowhan - Nov 1st, 2012 10:58 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Bhumika Morekar

Your doctor is correct. Chocolate cyst, otherwise known as endometriomas, are blood-filled cysts found in the one or both ovaries. Many women are affected by chocolate cysts at some point in their lives usually before menopause and are not usually anything to worry about.

However, if they rupture the fluid inside the cyst can spill into the ovaries and pelvis area and cause a number of problems in some women. As well as being very painful it can also cause some of the organs in the pelvis to bind together including the Fallopian tubes and ovaries and can ultimately lead to infertility.

If your doctor is considering your chocolate cyst as a cause of infertility. Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy is a good option.

With regards

J S Chowhan
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