Reflux Oesophagitis and Small Hiatus Hernia
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Savitri Patel - Dec 5th, 2012 3:32 pm.
Savitri Patel
Savitri Patel
I met a gastroenterologist for a routine check-up. He physically checked my stomach and told me that it was distended. He also told me to go through an endoscopy since I had a history of taking a rabeprazole tablet for the past 10 years. Endoscopy report showed grade A reflux oesophagitis and small hiatus hernia. He then told me the high blood pressure I was having could be due to the pain and distress that I was getting from reflux oesophagitis and hyperacidity. He also told me that I may have contracted small hiatus hernia due to hard coughing since I told him I had upper respiratory tract infection and hard coughing for continuously past two years from 2008-2010. He prescribed me heavy doses of esomeprazole 40mg b.d. from which I got relief and told me to discard oil completely from the diet which helped a lot and reduced the pain to a greater extent. He also told me not to lie down for at least 2 hours after eating food so that food may not regurgitate. He explained to me that regurgitation of stomach acid has burned the lining of my esophagus. He also told me to take food on time as I was not eating food timely. Since then I started eating bland food and reduced more than 15 kilos. But there was still a pain in the stomach. Sorry for a long write up. Pain doesn't go away even after taking medicines, it pains after eating food, why?
re: Reflux Oesophagitis and Small Hiatus Hernia by Dr J S Chowhan - Dec 7th, 2012 3:45 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Mr Anil

The most likely cause of your pain is reflux esophagitis. You have been given the correct advice by your gastroenterologist.Plz follow his advice.You can go for ultrasonography of the whole abdomen to rule out ny other cause of the pain abdomen. You may consider fundoplication surgery but to see that you are a good candidate for this surgery or not, you need to come to our hospital for further evaluation.


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