Undesdal testicles
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by ranjeet - Dec 2nd, 2012 10:19 am.

Before six month i have done orchepoxy(treatment of undescended testicles. But testicles are not in scoterm they are in inguinal and doctar said they can not move in scrotum. My intercourse time is so sort so suggest me what can i do in this condition.

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re: Undesdal testicles by M K Gupta - Dec 4th, 2012 10:45 am
M K Gupta
M K Gupta
Dear Mr Ranjeet

If the testicle has not descended within the first 6 months, it is not likely to do so on its own without surgery.

Usually only one surgery is needed. But if testicles are located in the belly, you may need two separate operations, several months apart to bring into abdomen.

Because if you are an adult and you are thinking about treatment for your undescended testicle, talk with your surgeon about the pros and cons of surgery. The management of the undescended testis in the adult patient presents problems in terms of locating the impalpable gonad inside canal or abdomen, the risk of malignancy and prognosis with regard to fertility has to be kept in mind.

This fact, together with the risk of malignancy in those testes in which germ cells are present, suggests that orchiectomy should be performed in unilateral cases. Testicular biopsy is essential if an undescended testis is to be preserved for androgenic function

With regards

M K Gupta
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