endometrioma of 6 cm
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by sudha - Nov 29th, 2012 4:28 pm.
Suffering from complex cyst from last two years. Size of complex cyst increased from 4.4 cm to 6.1 cm in these two years. Now doctor told me that he suspect choclate cyst and surgery is the last option
re: endometrioma of 6 cm by M K Gupta - Dec 2nd, 2012 6:34 am
M K Gupta
M K Gupta
Dear Sudha

Chocolate cyst needs to be operated as it in laparoscopic surger we do the surgery so it is gradually separated from surrounding omentum & intestines & tubes.

In laparoscopic surgery chocolate cyst is separated from pelvic wall and uterosacral ligament and chocolate fluid is drained gradually to prevent spillage.

Laparoscopic Cystectomy is done without damaging normal ovarian tissue. In laparoscopic surgery endometriotic lesions are excised if pain is the main complaint and fulgurated with bipolar desiccation if Infertility is the main complaint.

Suction & irrigation done after removal of the cyst with Ringer lactate and Haemostasis is checked. Edges of the ovarian capsule are grasped with grasper for 2-3 minutes so ovary is restructured & Tubo-ovarian relationship established.

So we will advice you to go for laparoscopic surgery.

With regards

M K Gupta
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